Welcome to Kiren's Special!♥

Hey! The webiste you are currently on is www.hispecialzme.blogspot.com (We don't have flying cows here, but we do have purple cows, I'll teach him to fly I promise) This site is called Kiren's Special!♥. This site is so awesome. Consider yourself seriously lucky! (Because really you are) Want to know why you're lucky? Youv'e discovered the coolest site in the Milky Way!!! (Not the chocolate bar. It has caramel, not websites) Yay!☺ for you!!!!!!☻

Friday, October 16, 2009

Cows "R" Us


yeah i noticed a thing with cows cuz theyre speshcy-all and so I like cows so does abby yay for me abby and cows and milk!!!! Moooooo

K im doing stuff this weekend im going on a cow hunt im not actually hunting cows but im adding them to my cow collection!!!!! So if u guys have any old cows u wanna give away give them to me for my cow collection!!!

if you guys want to see what I have so far just scroll down like all the way under all my posts cuz then youll see all my cows!!!!! (im talking a class on how to speak cows) Kk im gonna make new thing facto of the day and KQ&A.

Special facto of the day: To say "hi" in cow say moo-ie . To say "bye" in cow say moo-a
Fact facto of the day: No two cows have exactly the same spots
KQ&A (Kiren's question and answer.)
Q: Hey Kiren. wat colur r ur eyes?
A: Um, far away my eyes look black, but up close they're a really dark brown. Well usually. These days, my eyes look lighter I don't know why. Maybe I'm drinking too much purple milk.

Q: How do I get my parent's to buy me a cell phone??
A: 'Kay yeah I'll help you. First, you gotta show ur parents ur responsible enough for one:

  1. Try not to forget things like homework.
  2. Study and get good grades.
  3. Eat your veggies.
  4. Take care of your little bro or sis and don't fight with them
  5. Share with your bro or sis
  6. make your bed every morning
  7. Smile a lot. (It really works!)
  8. Don't whine or complain at all.
  9. Clean your room.
  10. Ask your parents very nicely.

Q: How do I make a site like yours??????????????????

A: Oh, you go on top of my blog click the "create blog" link thingy and go through the wonderful process of making a blog.

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